While at the cabin in Fairplay, we always include a couple of evening trips up the forest service road to the peak of Weston Pass as a "celebration" of the natural beauty, as well as opportunity to spot wildlife. Our first trip this year yielded a huge surprise. On the trip back down the mountain we spotted what was a horse in the road. As we neared, we were able to see it was a young moose, so we stopped the vehicle. We were thinking he would run away, however the ascent/descent routes were too steep, so he came directly at our car and casually went around us within a few yards. He went on down to lower ground where he probably reunited with his mother in the marshy area created by acres of beaver dams. The photos are not focused very well as he was coming at us at a good clip and I was so excited I didn't focus on the task at hand. Further down the road, we spotted eight elk grazing along the road. On our next trip up the pass later in the week, we spotted no wildlife.

Traditional evening trip to summit of Weston Pass with our good friends, Nancy and Kim Smith
Traditional picture framed by mining strucure window
Traditional picture taken down the valley at Weston Pass
Surprise sighting of young moose
Young moose bypassing our car to reach lower ground
Always interesting wide-open skies out west