
Scotts Visit

It was a pleasure to have our good friends Patricia and Ed Scott over for a visit for a couple of days. It was the first opportunity to get together with the Scott’s since they were such great hosts for us at their place in Jackson Hole, Wyoming when we were on our western trip last summer.
The weather and dam generation patterns allowed for only one day of fishing. Although it wasn’t a memorable day based on the numbers of fish caught, it sure was a great day on the river with good fishing buddies. We also had a chance to get in a little hike. Ed showed his mastery of the grill which produced some perfect filets, served with fresh mushrooms, asparagus, and twice baked potatoes that the ladies had prepared. This was after the previous night’s feast of KT’s BBQ ribs, etc. A common theme when with good friends – lots of great food and conversation!

Surprise catch in the trout stream - leave it to Charlcie!

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