I hadn't fished the Catch-and-Release area directly below Bull Shoals Dam in some time. Since it is closed to fishing November through January to protect spawning brown trout, I awoke early on Oct. 31, and arrived at the access before daylight. With the air temps in the high thirties and water temps in the 50s, dawn is magic and surreal with the mist rising from the river as the sun provides some daylight before the direct sunlight dissipates the mist. Although generation of 5 units prohibited wading, I fished from the bank for a couple of hours - enjoying almost total solitude in this setting is what it's all about. And to catch a few quality fish at the same time - that ain't bad either. I did catch a 20"+ fat male brown trout that I didn't get a photo of - he had a couple of strands of monofilament line wrapped tightly around his head/eyes, and after spending some time freeing him from his predicament, I didn't want to stress him further and so released him without the photo - take my word, he was absolutely beautiful!

Sun starting to peek through and reflecting on the water
Catchin' definitely enhances the experience
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