One common theme you will notice is that we are blessed to have such great friends and family. Since I got a late start in starting the blog, I have not chronicled all our visitors to this point. And, due to my lack of focus sometimes, I have failed to take the desired pictures. In this case, our good friends Sam and Marsha Vaughn traveled over from Bella Vista for a week-end and I didn't get very many photos - and I really messed up by not getting a pic of Marsha (sorry Marsha, we'll get you on your next visit!) The weather cooperated enough to allow for a few hours of fishing which was very enjoyable, but mostly we truly enjoyed having them here to spend a lot of time just relaxing and telling tall tales.
When water levels are favorable, we usually choose to fish at the walk-in access at White River Valley Estates, the area where we plan on building. Charlcie and I enjoy the trains around here and nearly every visit to this fishing spot we are entertained by a passing train on the tracks that parallel the White River.