After scouring the area for a suitable place to rent for the time it takes to complete house plans, hire a builder, and complete construction, we finally settled in Cotter. We were looking for a fun place with some amount of character and hopefully some architectural relevance. We found a house that was on the market with an owner (contractor) willing to lease - and we were very pleased to find just the right place; a totally renovated craftsman cottage that has been tastefully redone and with the bonus of being located in a sleepy little fishing town - we can be in the water in five minutes.
We have been here since middle of November, 2010, and with all that goes with relocating (and sufficient time off for fishing), I have been delinquent in getting the blog started. I had even pondered whether I should even proceed, but have been swayed by a number of requests from folks and also the fact that the blog provides a permanent journal that will always be accessible by us and others.
Since I am playing catch-up now, these early entries will probably be somewhat discombobulated - so hang with us and we'll get up-to-date.
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