
Twins' Reveal Party

Although Ben and Myka knew the results of the ultrasound on Wednesday, they were somehow able to keep a secret until the Reveal Party at her parents house Sunday afternoon.  Excitement was building and the betting was active before the announcement - boys? girls? or one of each?  The grandmothers had the honor of cutting the cakes and blue (x2) led to lots of cheering and smiles.  Then Ben and Myka made an announcement: according to the physician, in all likelihood the boys will be identical.  Double Tabor trouble.  We're truly blessed and so excited!  Ben and Myka are very touched and appreciative of all the support and interest of their friends and family.

 Almost half-way
 Proud, happy parents-to-be
 Rick checking the winners of the pool, Janice and Charlcie with mouths wide open, and Ben securing the cake
Blue (x2)
Thing 1 and Thing 2!
it gets loud!


Christmas tribute

Melancholy, beauty, reverence, respect, pride, love. Emotions apparent during a visit to the National Cemetery. Thanks to the volunteers who place the wreaths at Christmas and the flags on Independence Day! Impressive tribute to those that have shouldered the sacrifice. Update:  found out after the fact that my brother Steve was able to place the wreath at our mother's marker - they allow family members to participate in advance - which makes this extra special.

Christmas on Trout Lily Lane

The Happiest Christmas

This Christmas was special, considering our recent news that Ben and Myka are expecting twins this summer. We are obviously very excited and looking forward to spoiling grandkids in the future.

Feathered friends at White River Valley

We see plenty of wild turkey in our area, sometimes as many as 30 at a time. We have seen owls fly in front of us when driving at night, but this barred owl was near the road at dusk and we were able to stop, observe, and photograph. This was when Ben and Myka were here for our Christmas, so we all got to enjoy!