
Charlie Monroe and Tucker Cash: The Tabor twins

Our special little guys turned 8 months old this week-end! Since they arrived 3 months early, they currently are at adjusted age of 5 months, but are making progress daily to catch up in their weight! We are so proud of Ben and Myka and their parenting of these big boys. Charlie and Tucker have their own blog, so I will not try to steal their thunder here, but want to include them from time to time as a reminder of how we are so pleased that we are in a position to help with their care and how much they mean to us. For more expansive coverage, if so inclined, visit Tabortwins.wordpress.com.



Something a little different while putting up garden hoses for the winter - these two little guys were hiding in leaves under the hoses. Not for sure, but I think the larger one is a marbled salamander and the smaller one is a spotted newt. Nice to spot different creatures enjoying our little piece of the world.

Pheasants 2013

Back to Highmore, South Dakota, for my second pheasant hunting experience. Although the number of birds was down statewide this year, and was physically challenging to negotiate the habitat to find them, we still managed to have a great time! The presence of a large number of hens and the improved habitat bodes well for a rebound of pheasant populations for next season. A great time with a fun group of fellas!
South Dakota sunrise
Getting ready for the march 
The fellas and Sally the wonderdog
Hunting strategy?  No.  Smartphone tutoring
Sandhill cranes out for morning feeding
South Dakota sunset