
Twins tour Northwest Arkansas

Ben and Myka had done some advance planning this past summer to arrange work schedules, etc. in order to take Charlie and Tucker to Ft. Smith and Siloam Springs to visit their great-grandpas and other family members. I think everyone had a great time being together and being entertained by the little fellas. The boys had a special treat as they got to meet and play with their cousin Beckett - thanks to Sarah and Jordan for making the trip from Oklahoma City. Thank you Ben and Myka for your hard work involved in making this effort - it was very much appreciated and I know it was extra special for Papaw Tabor and Grandpa Charley - they're still recounting the visit! I didn't get enough pics and as others are sent to me, I will do another post.
 Papaw Tabor prepping for pizza
 Great uncle Ron getting a little scrutiny from the boys
 Papaw's pizza is yummy!
 Grandpa Charley entertaining the boys with a backscratcher
They don't need no stinkin' toys to make noise


Latest project

We decided to put a skirt around our screened porch. We like the result of placing horizontal 1"x4" stained cedar. Aesthetically pleasing and varmint deterring.

Sunset at Rim Shoals

Sunset at Rim Shoals access of White River

Third annual Pheasant Hunt

Was fortunate to go on my third pheasant hunting trip to Highmore, SD, this year with a swell group of guys. Had a successful hunt, and an all-around great time. In spite of walking miles per day in sometimes challenging terrain, I still gained 5 pounds this week. Next year, we're going to have to walk more, and/or eat less to maintain our fighting weight - NAH, forget that! Charlcie enjoyed being away from me for a week and had a great week with her sister Tami, visiting spots around Mountain Home and Branson.
 Getting loaded
 Looking fairly competent - deceiving
 Greg on-target
Back row: Greg, Al, Steve
Middle Row:  Me, Jess, Vic, John
Front row:  Dinner-to-be

Crazy sunrise

Charlcie noticed a nice hue in the morning light and we stepped out the front door to see this incredible sunrise. We quickly grabbed the camera and were able to get a couple of very interesting shots.

Idaho visitors

Charlcie's cousin and her husband from Caldwell, Idaho, were in northwest Arkansas for a brief visit and we were able to meet with them for a couple of hours at the Springdale Cracker Barrel. Charlcie's Dad was able to go with us and a couple of Charlcie's other cousins, Sue and Donna, joined us. We really enjoyed the visit but wish we could have spent more time. Gives us an excuse to hurry back out to Idaho.
Karyn and Jim
Charlcie and Charlie


Twins' first visit to Cici and Grump's house!

What a month! After two weeks in Colorado, including spending time with great friends and family, we return to Mountain Home and are visited by Ben, Myka, Charlie, and Tucker. This was the twins' first visit to our house and we had a great few days! The boys really enjoyed exploring all the new stuff at our house. They had a great time opening and closing all doors and drawers and making efficient use of a variety of kitchen utensils. We folded a comforter over the coffee table to protect them and the first thing they did was hike their legs and climb up on top. They especially liked the walk down our road in their tandem Red Flyer. We went to the Bull Shoals visitor center to observe the aquariums and to Gaston's Resort to observe all the peacocks, turkeys, and other fowl. The boys seemed to really enjoy all the new experiences. It is always special to be with Ben and Myka and the twins.

Colorado 2014: Grubb Reunion in Denver

We are proud to be designated as honorary Grubb family members. The Grubbs being the family members and offspring of my Mom's oldest sister, my aunt Vina (Viney)and her husband, my uncle Clay. Mom, Vina, and Clay would have enjoyed this gathering so much, were they still with us. Our families have been very close for as long as I can remember and it is always special when we can get together and share vivid memories. There were over 60 in attendance, many we knew very well, some we knew a little, and several we knew not at all, but we very much enjoyed being with all of them. It was so much fun visiting with all the cousins covering several generations and from all over the country. We were all gathered for a surprise 80th birthday celebration for sweet cousin Loretta, who resides in Denver.

Colorado 2014: Blue River

One advantage of accompanying the ladies to the Outlet Mall in Silverthorne/Dillon, is the opportunity to walk down and fish the Blue River below the Dillon Reservoir while they shop. This trip was particularly satisfying as I caught six fish in about 2 hours, all quality rainbows. Was getting thumbs up and whistles from a couple of guides on the river which made me feel pretty competent after years of trying to perfect my abilities on the river. I was brought back to reality later as our annual trip to Eleven Mile Canyon yielded nothing but a couple of baby trout. I often am humbled by failing to outsmart a creature with a brain the size of a peanut :).

Colorado 2014: On to Fairplay cabin/moose sighting

While at the cabin in Fairplay, we always include a couple of evening trips up the forest service road to the peak of Weston Pass as a "celebration" of the natural beauty, as well as opportunity to spot wildlife. Our first trip this year yielded a huge surprise. On the trip back down the mountain we spotted what was a horse in the road. As we neared, we were able to see it was a young moose, so we stopped the vehicle. We were thinking he would run away, however the ascent/descent routes were too steep, so he came directly at our car and casually went around us within a few yards. He went on down to lower ground where he probably reunited with his mother in the marshy area created by acres of beaver dams. The photos are not focused very well as he was coming at us at a good clip and I was so excited I didn't focus on the task at hand. Further down the road, we spotted eight elk grazing along the road. On our next trip up the pass later in the week, we spotted no wildlife.
Traditional evening trip to summit of Weston Pass with our good friends, Nancy and Kim Smith
 Traditional picture framed by mining strucure window
Traditional picture taken down the valley at Weston Pass
 Surprise sighting of young moose
 Young moose bypassing our car to reach lower ground
Always interesting wide-open skies out west

Colorado 2014: Salida and the Arkansas River

 Quirky sculpture and tourist
 Street art
 Interesting mural
 Our favorite must-do place to eat.  Boathouse on the Arkansas River; always ask for window seat that opens to the water
Arkansas River downriver from Salida.  Have caught some quality fish from this spot accessed from pull-off along Hwy. 50.  Latest was 19" rainbow that I let out of my net before I could get a pic (one of the prettiest fish I have ever landed).

Colorado 2014: More from Lake City

 18" brown trout on hopper - cast from farm bridge
 Nice pool - several fish from this hole
 Jeep trail riding on the upper ranch
 Greg, Diane, Larry, Charlcie on Gold Hill
Gathering wildflower seeds