
Annual Arkansas Week-end with Cabin Group: 2013

Each February, our group of road-trip warriors head for a week-end together somewhere in Arkansas. This year it was at Azalea Falls lodge between Kingston and Ponca, near the Buffalo River. The weather was quite nasty, but we had a great time with great friends. The view out the back of the lodge was the most spectacular waterfall (actually series of waterfalls) I have seen in Arkansas. We figured out we have been doing this for about 12 years and still going strong. We have also had a few group trips to Colorado during this time. Anyway, enough experiences to generate our own set of trivia questions for a hilarious round of Cabin Group Trivial Pursuit. This all started with almost year-round road trips to various competitions as all our kids played club, high school, and college soccer. We just can't get the road-trip out of our systems - especially when we're able to get our fix with such a fun group. We have quite a time for a bunch of old folks!
Elk herd near Ponca

Azalea Falls

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